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What are DHEA Side Effects? What is Steroid Cream? In the United States, possession and use of, pharmaceutical steroids, is legally the same as possession and use of heroin, morphine, cocaine, crack and all of the “street drugs” (the exception is marijuana as of late). Our prisons are full of people that have been “caught” using such drugs. But when it comes to illegal steroid use, well, we make an exception for athletes, and the sports institutions that publicly will oppose the use of, but then actually promote the use of illegal steroids behind closed doors, from junior high school, through high school and college. They are culpable and no better than street drug dealers. And then, when in professional sports, if caught using steroids, athletes receive a slap on the wrist, a “don’t do that again” and then sent back onto the field. Sports fans are the first to demand we lock up the druggies, and then turn a blind eye to the athletes that get caught, sustanon 250 tabletten. There are actually some amazing anabolic steroids in plants like spinach and quinoa. Of course, the best steroids are the ones naturally produced by the body in response to resistance training! The fact that these ‘role models’ are getting busted for steroid use also lets the younger, high school age athletes know that it shouldn’t be done and that if they are caught using steroids, there are going to be consequences. I read an article that stated that around 3% of teenage girls and 5% of teenage boys have used some form of anabolic steroids. We should all be aware of the pressure that our kids deal with in athletic sports and make sure our children are not at risk. I think that physical education teachers in high schools should talk about steroids and give the harmful facts. I have seen many stories on the news about teenage athletes using steroids. Just because there are legal steroids doesn’t mean that they should use them. These ‘role models’ who have been caught using steroids are, indeed, sending a message that using steroids gives athletes that competitive edge that they are looking for. With so many stories in the news about athletes and steroids, I feel as though it is sending a bad message to our teenagers that, if they want to be successful athletes, steroids are a great option. Everyone from professional cyclists, baseball players and track stars has gone down that path. They are supposed to be the ones that our young, rising stars look up to and they are setting a very bad example. Natural Steroids: 20 Anabolic Foods for Muscle & Strength Gains. Nowadays many men and women are searching for natural steroids. Mainly thanks to the much-publicised side effects associated with synthetic steroid use. While not as effective as synthetic steroids. These natural steroids offer a way to boost the production of testosterone and other hormones, resulting in muscle and strength gains.
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